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Cross-Connection and Back Flow

Preventing Contamination

The Emigration Improvement District (EID) is continually striving to ensure the safety and quality of your drinking water.  An important part of this effort is the Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention Program.  The purpose of this program is to prevent contamination of drinking water by means of an improper cross-connection or a backflow incident.

A cross-connection is any connection between a safe drinking water system and any other untreated water source (such as a private well) or equipment that may contain an unsafe substance.  Drinking water systems are designed to keep water flowing in one direction, from the District's wells/ reserviors to the consumer.  When an undesirable condition know as backflow occurs, water is allowed to flow in the opposite direction and may bring in contaminants or pollutants into the public water system.

Backflow can be caused by backsiphonage or backpressure in the public water system.  Backsiphonage occurs when the public water system drops below the atmospheric pressure causing a vacuum effect that may result in pulling contaminants into the public water system.  Backpressure may occur when the pressure from a private water system becomes greater than the public water system.  The difference in pressure may allow contaminants to enter into the public water system.

Federal and state laws require public water systems to protect their systems from cross-connections and backflow incidents.  The EID will take every precaution necessary to prevent cross-connections by working with customers, contractors, engineers, state and county regulators to ensure all those who are required to comply with cross-connection control and backflow prevention meet the requirements.

For more information regarding the program or how you can help prevent cross-connection contact the District Manager Eric Hawkes 801-243-5741 or

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